
Reference List

Bristol-myers squibb: An example of why project labor agreements are a sound business choice.

2 Energy star. (2010).

3 GM opens first ever LEED gold certified plant.

4 Goulding, C., Goldman, J., & Kumar, R. EPAct aspects of induction lighting. To be Published by CCH, Inc: Corporate Business Taxation Monthly.

5Goulding, C., Goldman, J., & Kumar, R. Large EPAct energy tax deduction opportunities for commercial heaters. Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, (January 2010), 11-12, 28, 29.

6 Goulding, C., Goulding, T., & Kumar, R. (September 2009). LED parking garage lighting installations accelerate with EPAct tax savings. Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 15-16, 46.

7 Goulding, C., Goulding, T., & Most, J. (to be published by CCH, Inc: Corporate Business Taxation Monthly). Abundant natural gas heats up large tax incentives for gas fueled building energy equipment.

8 Goulding, C., Kumar, R., & Wood, K. New efficient HVAC drives large tax deductions for buildings. Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, (May 2009)

9 Nestl� waters: Arrowhead plant, cabazon, california.

10 Starbucks opens leed certified coffee roasting plant.