
Reference List

Energy Policy Act of 2005 (P.1, 1 09-58),
Available online at www.ctenergyinfo.
com/l 1 1 0 1 9%202 0 1 2 Pl an%2 0EEB%2 0
L ette r% 2 0 of % 2 0 S u p p o rt% 2 0 F. p d f .
Charles Coulding and Daniel Penza, New
York City Hotels Energy Benchmarking
Related Legal and Tax Compliance,
Jun. 1 B, 201 1, available online at
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arti c I e/n ew-york-ci ty-h ote I s-en ergy -
1 xedf26uc9hpj-33/.
Charles Coulding, Jacob Coldman and
D. Malcolm Thomas, Multiple Lighting
Technologies Driver Large EPAct Tax
Deductions for Parking Carages, lNt'r
PenrrNc lrsr., Aug. 2010.
Charles Coulding, Jacob Coldman and
Malcol m Thomas, For-Profit and Covernment
Hospitals Can EarnTax Deductions for New
Construction and Renovation, ButrotNc
Oprn,crrNc Mcvr., Mar. 201C.
Charles Coulding, Robert Coulding, and
Raymond Kumar, Ihe EnergyTax Aspects of
Hospitals, Conp. Bus. Tex'N MoNrrrv, Nov.
2009, at 1 5.
Charles Coulding and Andrea Albanese,
EPAct Tax lncentives for Energy Efficient
Fitness Center, Jun. 30, 201 1, available
online at hftp://energytaxsavers.wordpress.
co m/ a rti c I e/ep a ct-ta x- i n ce nti ves-fo r-e n e rgy -
1 xedf26uc9hpj-40/.
Charles Coulding, Jacob Coldman and
Kenneth Wood, Iax Deductions for HVAC
Efficiency, BurrorNc Oprn,qrtNc Mcvr., Apr.
201 0.