
Reference List

1 - Charles Goulding and Charles G. Goulding, The EPAct Tax Aspects of the Aerotropolis.

2 - Charles Goulding, Jacob Goldman and Joseph Most, Complete Tax Enhanced Warehouse Energy Efficient Design, Corp. Bus. Tax’n Monthly, August 2010, at 17.

3 - Charles Goulding, Jacob Goldman and Raymond Kumar, The Energy Tax Aspects of Car Dealerships, Corp. Bus. Tax’n Monthly, July 2009, at 11.

4 - Charles Goulding, Daniel Audette and Spencer Marr, The EPAct Tax Aspects of Resurging U.S. Manufacturing Investments, Corp. Bus. Tax’n Monthly, July 2011, at 17.

5 - Charles Goulding, Daniel Audette and Spencer Marr, Energy and Tax Savings Opportunities for Self-Storage Facilities, Corp. Bus. Tax’n Monthly, July 2010, at 13.

6 - Charles R. Goulding, Spencer Marr and Charles G. Goulding, Utility Tax Planning for Coal Power Plant Closures, Corp. Bus. Tax’n Monthly, June 2012, at 11.

7 - Charles Goulding, Jacob Goldman, and Daniel Audette, Advanced LEED Building Energy Tax Planning, Corp. Bus. Tax’n Monthly, December 2011, at 9.

8 - Charles Goulding, Jacob Goldman and Joseph Most, Complete Tax Enhanced Warehouse Energy Efficient Design, Corp. Bus. Tax’n Monthly, August 2010, at 17.